Executive Director, Corporate Services

In this newly created role, you will set the vision and strategy for all of our corporate functions, transforming and innovating what we do to enable the council to do even more for those that need us most.

Executive Director, Corporate Services (S151 Officer) | salary from £138,207 – £156,780

Following the appointment of Sarah Ireland as our permanent Chief Executive and a realignment of our senior leadership team, this is an exciting and newly created role at a critical time for our Council and the sector.

As our Section 151 Officer, you will provide the highest levels of advice, assurance, and administration of our Council’s finances. You will also lead across a broad range of corporate resources, including Finance & Pensions, Law & Governance, People And OD, Democratic Services, Emergency & Resilience Planning, Performance & Risk, Revenues & Benefits, Procurement, Data & Insight and more.

Whilst we have a balanced budget, we, like everyone, face challenges ahead. We continue to deliver good services, and our robust fiscal management has seen us make the best of a challenging financial environment. In this role we will look to you to find opportunities to transform, change and innovate to help equip us against the challenges we face. We will look to you for growth as much as we do cuts; income as much as we do savings. This role is critical to our future and will enable our council to do more and ensure we can continue to deliver for those that need us most.

Having brought these services together, we will look to you to create the vision and strategy for our corporate functions, harnessing all your services to fulfil our vision.